After back-to-back cuts to the MA program under the Biden administration, millions of seniors are suffering heading into 2025.
Americans lost their health plan due to Biden cuts
hike in premiums for seniors in 19 states
increase in out-of-pocket costs for MA seniors due to Biden’s cuts
Medicare Advantage provides almost 34 million American seniors with healthcare coverage.
MA accounts for more than half (54%) of the Medicare eligible population.
Unlike traditional Medicare, MA harnesses free market competition among insurance providers to offer better coverage at more affordable rates, all while saving the healthcare system and taxpayers money.
Tell lawmakers to say NO to the politicians who want to deprive seniors of this critical and effective program. Medicare Advantage IS Medicare.
Save and Strengthen Medicare Advantage
What is Medicare Advantage?
Medicare Advantage—also known as Medicare Part C—offers seniors an affordable, high-quality alternative to traditional Medicare coverage. Medicare Advantage plans are provided by private insurance companies in partnership with the federal government and can offer additional benefits that traditional Medicare doesn’t. These can include integrated vision, hearing, dental, and more, often with no additional premium.
Who can enroll in MA?
Medicare Advantage plans are available to Americans over 65 and individuals with disabilities. MA is the most popular of the two Medicare options, with 34 million Americans—54% of enrollees—choosing MA.
What’s the problem?
Medicare Advantage has suffered years of underfunding from the federal government. This funding is what allows insurance companies to offer affordable plans with excellent benefits to enrollees. These funding cuts have led to premium increases for seniors and even forced many insurers out of the Medicare Advantage program entirely. Without swift action, enrollees could see more rate increases and declining coverage options in 2026.
How do we solve it?
Call on your elected officials in Washington, D.C. to support the Medicare Advantage program by demanding appropriate funding that keeps pace with inflation. Tell them that seniors deserve access to high quality, affordable coverage options through MA.